I don't mean to sound snarky, but it seems to me that far fewer topics are being discussed since the change of formats. I'm not saying there's any correlation, nor a post hoc ergo proptor hoc thing going on, only that it's how it seems me.
So, are like drivers getting better? Is the database here sufficiently robust that the majority of people's questions are answered already?
Regards, Johnathan
"Ending a sentence with a preposition is a situation up with which I shall not put." - Sir Winston Churchill
Fair comment. Whilst some may be annoyed that what they see as the same questions or topics keep coming up, it is fair to say that those new to the subject will continue to want to learn, hence the benefit of forums. what may be obvious and 'old hat' to some is new and exciting for others. There must be a lot of briliant people out there or are they just reluctant to show they want to ask a question!