hello , i have a audi TT which has side impacted another vehicle (peugeot 106) , the driver said he was not speeding ?? is ther same way i can check the audi TT for the impact speed eg , airbag ecu or engine ecu ?? any help would help as i am still new in this job . if any one needs pics or any information i would be glad to send .
If the crush into the vehicle is substantial you could use this as a speed indicator, but you would need the assistance of someone that has undertaken such measurements and calculations, find an expreienced expert in your area to assist. You might be able to access the Audi ECU, however I am not sure if there is anyone in your area that makes use of a CDR tool that would be willing to try this, you would need to find someone in your area that uses the CDR and ask them if they are willing to assist. In short, the answer is yes, a speed can be calculated or gleaned from either the crush or the on-board information, you just have to gather the necessary info, in particular you will need to find someone with a CDR and check and see if they can access the system. You will obviously need to have the necessary permission etc.
In the Netherlands we do it at the moment with VCDS. It will read data from VG cars. You can also try to read it with a VAG tool which is used by the dealer. If you are lucky it wil give you speed or Rpm. In the future (2011) we hope to have our new tool ready to read accidentdata from european brands. Sincerely
Jeroen van Essen Unit Executieve Ondersteuning Accident Reconstruction Investigator Traffic Police Rotterdam Rijnmond Netherlands Tel (+3110-27)49489 CDR analyst Email: Jeroen.van.Essen@rijnmond.politie.nl