Body slides 300 feet on asphalt. This is a rolling, tumbling and bouncing slide. I was taught to use a 1.0 COF for this. I would like to be able to explain why we use the 1.0. and explain that the body is not touching the ground all the time and how the bounce or airborn time factors in to this. Thanks ken
You make no mention as to how the body came to travel that distance. Being impacted by a vehicle may use differing parameters to ejection. In any event the distance would suggest a very high initial speed. Does the remainder of the scenario support that?
It isn't relavant to his question what the speeds in this case may have been. His question is entirely about where does using 1.0 as the CoF come from, and why this is so.
It also not relevant how the body came to be rolling, flopping and bouncing this way. It plays no role in evaluating this.
Ken, I don't know that using 1.0 is the right way to go. 2 reasons, you're indicating by the 0 that this number is derived from a piece of equipment sensitive enough to calculate/measure out to the tenths place, but that it just happened to be 0. I doubt that's the case.
Now onto the 1 part. If the CoF is 1, this indicates that 100% of the pull of gravity is being used. Remember that static friction is greater than dynamic friction. Static friction occurs when two objects have a common velocity. But I don't see how that relates to a rolling body as there's no extrinsic retarding force applied to the body So, it's essentially a rolling, uneven wheel that bounces and flops and stuff like that.
Though I don't know where they got that 1 from, I can only say that something stopping by using 100% of the gravitational grounding capacity will stop faster than something using a lesser percentage. We know this from watching sliding cars.
But this body isn't sliding. It's flopping, rolling, bouncing and all kinds of other fun stuff. So, it doesn't fit as a skidding object. Nor does it fit as a rolling object. Nor will airborne equations help you, at least not *during* the part where he's sliding, bouncing and what not.
Though I agree with Blue that anything which can make a human body roll for a football involves some reasonably high speed, it isn't relevant to your question.
Here's where the problem comes in. The mass of the human body is insignificant when compared against the forces acting on it in a situation like this. Since this is the case, the body will tumble in completely unpredictable ways, meaning that its rotational velocities with respect to the instant moments will change quite rapidly based on the orientation from one bounce to the next. This will dramatically alter the CoF at all of those indefinitely many contacts. So, you can't get really get the CoF at any specific point.
All you can do in this case is get an average over a long period. This will require multivariate calculus to do. And I can't type that in here because we have, still, no equation editor here.
Let me think on this and see if I can use simpler math to explain what's going on.
Ok, I'm back. I'm not having a lot of luck after mulling this over a smoke and coffee. I've gotten a general case from calculus that's relevant, but I'm not sure how best to explain it. That isn't to say that I can't explain the math, I just can't figure out how to make it understood in this context.
Also, we'd need a lot of data point, which we can't have here since you showed up afterwards.
By the way, I'm more talking this through to myself right now. Don't mind me.
Ok, sorry about that. It's true that body isn't in contact with the ground during parts of this. It's more the case that the body is rarely in touch with the ground during this, which is to say that most of the time it's airborne. So, from that we can conclude that most of the time during this, there is negligible loss of speed. This in turn requires f to be extreme in the few instances when the body hits the ground. That does, incidentally, account for the extreme rotational velocities we expect and see as well as the other odd behavior.
To come up with a number for f, there would have to have been some experiments done. I haven't seen them if they exist.
I'll have to think more on this and write about it later. I don't have a readily available solution for you more than what I've written, which is decidedly inarticulate and unhelpful.
Regards, Johnathan
"Ending a sentence with a preposition is a situation up with which I shall not put." - Sir Winston Churchill
Ashman, Thats what I'm looking for. I realize that since this in not a constant slide that the body must impact with more force each time that the body impacts the asphalt. So if the entire distance were analyzed then it would be an average that I would have to apply. It appears to be realistic because witnesses indicated that the veh. was driving at around 100 mph and that would be before it entered a yaw and the body was ejected at the end of the yaw right before the first roll over. The minimum speed equation indicates a 90mph min. speed at ejection which would be pretty close when you consider the speed loss from the yaw.
Well, if you can pinpoint when the body was ejected, and where it first landed, you needn't consider the tumbling bit.
The speed at ejection will be roughly the same as the speed at the first touchdown.
You can use all of that to solve the system for your purposes, but I'm still mulling over the original question.
Since we'll have some initial condition and an ending one, the problem is simplified considerably as we can more or less model the deceleration of the body with some function.
The average value function which would then apply is [1/(b-a)] [integral f(x)dx], where f(x) is the velocity function found to model the deceleration of the body, b is the upper bound and a is the lower bound of integration, in some units of time.
It's late and I'm tired. I'm still going to have to do more thinking on this.
I must say this is an interesting questionl; thank you for bringing it up. ^_^
Regards, Johnathan
"Ending a sentence with a preposition is a situation up with which I shall not put." - Sir Winston Churchill
Ashman165, sure you didn;t mean it as it was written, however it was and still is important to understand how the body was displaced; either complete catapult / trajectory, slide and tumble along the road or being dragged/ pushed by other means.
Ken, what means did you use to derive the initial speed for the vehicle and how do you knwo where the ejection occurred. You may find that the variables you are considering by use of the movement of the body is far wider than the data you may have used to ascertain the vehilces initial speed.
Over appro 100 metres, as above, there are so nay things which could have happened to the body that using averages on limited info would mean using asumptions to the extent that the answer may be similar to the earlier caculations but have no real value.
The vehicle entered a critical speed yaw and yawed to the left. The vehicle began to roll to its right side over and immediately there is a blood trail that begins and follows a straight line to the body at final rest. i said 300 feet but the exact measurement was 268 feet. I put the 268 feet into the slide to a stop formula with a COF of 1 and the result is 89.6mph which would be the point from body impact to body final rest. Since he was ejected out of the moving vehicle then I would assume that the vehicle was traveling at least 89.6 mph even though witnesses said that he was doing 100 before he even entered his yaw.
Do you have any data on the critical speed marks to do calculations with? Witness evidence of veh speed is notorioulsy poor and many wouldn;t know if it was 80,90 or 110 but may as readily say 'about a 100mph'. This comes back to my earlier observation to ask whether a vehicle can achieve the speed suggested on that stretch of road both in terms of the lead up to the scene and after the event. If one applied some of the ped throw coefficients you may get a range to suit that could reasonably be argued are of similar circs. I would try several variations and see what the variance may be. Are you able to assess whether any on the body strikes to the ground are more significant than others or any cause for entanglement to objects etc.
I don't have the measurements from the yaw and this witness is VERY reliable. I wish I could give more details but this is a criminal case awaiting trial. It involves high speeds, alcohol, drugs, and death. You know, plenty of job security for us all.
Blue, I meant precisely what I said with no possible variation. The question he asked is as follows: how can I explain why we use 1.0 as the coefficient of friction when a body is tumbling, flopping and rolling along a surface.
How the body came to be doing any of that isn't at all relevant, with the possible exception of soemone falling down a mountain side, to the mathematics. Whether the body was thrown from or fell out/off a moving car, or was slid down the road by superman plays absolutely no role in the mathematics. None. At all.
I completely agree with Blue about witnesses. Moreover, whether this witness is "reliable" or not isn't your decision to make; that's entirely the province of the jury. What you might think is reliable, they may think is worthless. That in turn can severely handicap whatever case you might be able to make.
Now, turning to Blue's original take on things, I'd like to get to what his point was. Namely that he was looking at the collision as a whole instead of the question you posed. The best evidence you can get here would be from that yaw. Why can't you get measurements from it?
What are the exact circumstances of this case?
Regards, Johnathan
"Ending a sentence with a preposition is a situation up with which I shall not put." - Sir Winston Churchill
Ken, I have to agree with Ashman. If you get the speed of the vehicle from the yaw, trust me, the body was ejected at that speed as well. If a vehicle is moving at 60 MPH, so is everything else inside of it. If you try to explain the drag factor of a body tumbling when it is not necessary to do so, you may open up a can of worms that does not need to be opened. The yaw mark is going to be critical for your case. That absolutly needs to be measured using a 30-50 foot chord. Critical speeds obtained from yaws, if done properly, are very accurate. Make sure you obtain a good CoF from the surface the yaw was made on. (If I sound condensending, I'm sorry, but I don't know what your level of expertise is.) As for obtaining a 1.0 CoF for a tumbling body, I'm sure that figure was obtained through a series of tests. I was looking through my reconstruction manual on pedestrians (IPTM) and they have the Cof as being between .90 and 1.0. But like I said, don't go there if you don't have to. I don't know what type of vehicle you have but have you considered downloading the Event Data Recorder? The information you obtain would give you a good information to let you know your investigation is going in the right direction. Depending on the type and age of the vehicle, it can give you such information as speed, Delta V, braking, acceleration, throttle percentage, and maybe even more. Even if the airbags did not go off, there could be a "non-deployment event" recorded. You still have to investigate and gather data to support what the EDR recorded but like I said, it lets you know that what you are doing is correct. Your information will not be exactly what the EDR recorded but it should be close. Just something to think about.
Aww, someone finally agreed with me on here! That never happens!
To be honest, I always feel like something of an outsider/a-hole on here because of my rather direct method of communication. Let me simply say that I don't intend anything to be taken sideways or whatever; I'm just a very direct person who rarely has time to worry about people's egos/feelings.
Rest assured that the things I say are rather accurate, and the manner in which I state them isn't a reflection of any personal/professional opinion I have of anyone here. It is merely how I speak. ^_^
Craig touched on a point which I overlooked and which is critically important: you want to gather the best evidence you can.
If we're having trouble here coming up with how this tumbling business was derived, then it isn't likely to make it to trial - and if it does, I'm not sure that it would help your case.
Now, don't get me wrong, I completely agree with Craig that these numbers are *likely* derived from tests; however, I haven't seen them so I'm at a disadvantage to speak to them. The number may or may not be relatively accurate.
Regards, Johnathan
"Ending a sentence with a preposition is a situation up with which I shall not put." - Sir Winston Churchill
Ken, appreciate your comments on the reliable witness, but even well versed police officers who deal with asessing speed against known devices still have prblems getting the figures close as the speed of the vehicle increases, especially when they may not be expecting to have to asess the speed, ie sudden accident. Do have a cof for locked tyreroad surface in which case you could consider some other options or will that be estimated as well In terms of the body tumbling along the road, was it lots of time in the air or on the road. Appreciate your initial comment was asking how to explain the tumble, but no it seems it is to do with trying to asses the veh speed ( Sorry already rasied this earlier)Try some simple calcs, so a 45 trajectory ( optimal agle) gives an initial velocity of @ 64mph, but a lesser angle (22.5 degrees) does give a slightly higher speed but of course one would have to justify anything other than the optimal and horizontal angles. Presumption of sliding the whole distance on the ground where mu is assumed at .6 gives about 70mph. Even raising the mu to 1.0 is 90mph, but you make no mention of significant entanglement or big hits to the ground so perhaps 1.0 is not so easily justified. Looking back at the numbers, I would be very careful to make sure I am doing the sums to ascertain a speed we can jsutify rather than simply look at how we can agree with the witness whom we already know is likely to exaggerate the vehicle speed.
How do you figure either an optimal angle or a horizontal angle doesn't require justification but any angle which is a departure from this alleged normative angles does?
There is nothing of particular specialness about 45º and 180º which makes them presumptively correct and any other angle presumptively unusual.
-- Edited by ashman165 at 14:57, 2008-09-21
Regards, Johnathan
"Ending a sentence with a preposition is a situation up with which I shall not put." - Sir Winston Churchill
How do you figure either an optimal angle or a horizontal angle doesn't require justification but any angle which is a departure from this alleged normative angles does?
There is nothing of particular specialness about 45º and 180º which makes them presumptively correct and any other angle presumptively unusual.
-- Edited by ashman165 at 14:57, 2008-09-21
In many instances of dealing with trajectory, if the angle is not known or approximated, then 45 is the usual number to use. And of course, it is about mid way between horizontal and vertical
Blue, I'm fully aware that when the angle isn't known, it's common for people to use 45º as the default angle. Thank you for bringing that to my attention and entirely neglecting to answer the question I asked of you.
Now, back to the question: how do you figure there isn't anything particularly special about 45º? True, it is about midway between 0º and 90º. This, however, doesn't make it a particularly special angle in collision dynamics. It is a special angle in mathematics; particularly this is so in trigonometry and its progeny.
I'm not trying to bust your ba . . um, whatever you have. I'm just trying to figure out why people use 45º as a default angle instead of trying to actually determine the proper angle to use, or a rough approximation.
I wish we could somehow get posts from the old forum so that we could copy them into here because I had a nice run down of angles and their importance.
It is, of course, true that angle nearing 45º are less sensitive to error than angles nearing the horizontal, or even the vertical. But the absolute error between, say, 1º and 45º is significantly greater than absolute error between .5º and 1º, but the relative error between 35º and 45º is substantially less.
This doesn't, however, provide any reason to think that assuming 45º is a safer bet than assuming any of the other angles as they're all nearly as equally likely to occur.
I could well be missing something here, which is why I'm asking what about 45º makes it a better angle to guess than say, 72.5º.
Ken, it's my pleasure to be a part of this discussion, and to read all of the replies in here.
Regards, Johnathan
"Ending a sentence with a preposition is a situation up with which I shall not put." - Sir Winston Churchill
Ashman, This is what I understand about the 45 degree angle in speed analysis. When you use a vault to try to determine the speed of an object, it is best to use the angle of take off. If this cannot be determined, then a 45 degree angle is assumed to obtain a "minimum" speed. I beleive the reasoning for this is it's the halfway point between 0 and 180 degrees. Obviously, the more accurate the angle of take off is, the more accurate your speed analysis is. In Ken's case, he would have to determine at what point the body was ejected from the vehicle, where it was ejected from, (i.e. side window, door, etc.) and what position the vehicle was in whan this occured. (Possible, but not probable.) Usually, this 45 degree angle is much greater than the actual take off angle in most situations. I know when a pedestrian is hit by a vehicle, depending on where the persons center of gravity is related to the point of impact of the vehicle, the angle of take off is usually no more than 10-12 degrees. (This is for a normal sized adult) But this is not the situation, I guess I kind of got off course here a little babbling to myself. So again, if the take off angle is not known or cannot be determined, then a 45 degree angle is used for a minimum speed calculation. Craig
I have only a minor point to make: 45º is not halfway between 0º and 180º. It's a quarter of the way there. 45º is halfway between 0º and 90º.
I understand the logic behind behind the thinking though. It's that at 45º, the sine and cosine values are equal. So the horizontal and vertical components in the vector are equal. I understand the temptation to say that because those two are equal, it should be the least amount of force required to launch a projectile a certain distance.
Now, it's true that given a particular force, we will optimize the distance traveled by launching something at a 45º. If we use an angle less than that, the object doesn't have enough height with respect to its horizontal velocity to travel far. If we use an angle greater than 45º, we get too much height and not enough horizontal velocity so the object doesn't go as far.
That's the reasoning behind the assumed take off of 45º. God, I've been thinking about this for days off and on and it just came to me why that assumption is made.
It's moments like this when I like to remind my friends why I wear shoes without shoelaces in them. ^_^
This is a good time to note there are great reasons why we mathematicians work in groups.
-- Edited by ashman165 at 07:40, 2008-10-03
Regards, Johnathan
"Ending a sentence with a preposition is a situation up with which I shall not put." - Sir Winston Churchill
Notice how kind people have been in that no one wanted to make you delusional in your earlier post that 45 was 1/2 between 0 and 180 anyway. But it looks like the 180 degree right angle has become contagious
Ashman, Boy, I feel like a dumb a@# now. I must have been half asleep when I said 45 degrees was halfway between 0 and 180. My brain does tend to fly south to the Bahamas every now and then!!! Craig